Our Company


January 12, 2009 Indonesia Eximbank's legal basis, Undang Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (Law No. 2 Year 2009 concerning Indonesia Eximbank), was approved and entered into force.
August 26, 2009 The Board of Directors of Indonesia Eximbank were appointed per the Decree of the Indonesian Finance Ministry No. 346/KMK.06/2009.
September 1, 2009 The Executive Director of Indonesia Eximbank was appointed per the Decree of the Board of Directors No.0001/KDD/09/2009
September 1, 2009 Indonesia Eximbank officially begins operations along with the inauguration of the Board of Directors on September 1, 2009.
October 23, 2009 Signed a loan agreement of USD 100 million with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) 
October 28-30, 2009 Attended the Asian Exim Banks Forum in Thailand
January 6, 2010 The Inauguration Ceremony by the Minister of Finance of Republic Indonesia and the handover of position of the Chairman of the Board of Director and concurrently Executive Director (CEO) from Mahendra Siregar to I Made de Erata on
June 9, 2010 Public Expose of the issuance of Indonesia Eximbank Bonds Year 2010
June 15, 2010 Launching of the CD of Database of 5,000 Indonesian Reliable Exporters
June 18, 2010 Signing a Syndicated Loan Facility of USD265 million with Bank Singapore
December 2, 2010 The Government invested IDR 2 Trillion
December 9, 2010 Received the Best Foreign Exchange Reporting Award from Bank Indonesia
 28 January 2011 Collaboration with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) regarding Exporter Data Provision.
 28 March 2011 Signing a Loan Facility with the Asian Development Bank worth USD 200 Million.
16 May 2011 Signing an Overseas Financing Facility of IDR 200 Billion for a Project in Saudi Arabia.
 July 2011 Implementation of the Balance Scorecard at Indonesia Eximbank.
15 July 2012 Signing a Syndicated Loan Agreement of USD 300 Million between Indonesia Eximbank and Banking Syndicates in Singapore and Taiwan.
 27 July 2011
Signing an Investment and Working Capital Financing Facility of USD 65 Million for Smelter Development.
2 August 2011
Signing an Overseas Financing Facility of USD 5.4 Million for an Onshore Gas Pipeline Construction Contract for the LNG Regasification Facility Project at Sungai Udang Port, Malaysia.
25 October 2011
Signing an Overseas Financing Facility for the construction of a tissue factory in the USA worth USD 20 Million.
11 November 2011 Signing a Buyer's Credit Facility for the purchase of a USD 22.3 Million ship.
16 November 2011
Public Exposure in the framework of the Initial Offering of Indonesia Eximbank's Sustainable Public Bonds Phase I in 2011, valued at IDR 3.25 Trillion.
18 December 2011
Increase in Indonesia Eximbank's rating from BB+ to BBB- by the Fitch Ratings Agency.
February 7, 2012 Signed an export credit facility agreement with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
April 26, 2012 Issued Euro Medium Terms Notes (REG S) of USD 500 million
July 16 - 18, 2012 Hosted the 22nd Asian Exim Banks Forum Training Program on SME Financing
Signing a Credit Facility of IDR 120 billion between Indonesia Eximbank and Waskita Karya related to Overseas Project Financing.
November 28, 2012 Conducted the Sustainable Public Offering of Indonesia Eximbank Bonds, valued at DR 2,1 trillion
April 1, 2013. Mr. Isnen Sutopo was appointed as Managing Director II, replacing the previous director.
September 1, 2013. Mr. Hadiyanto, Mr. A. Fuad Rahmany, and Mr. Bairul Chairi, were appointed as members of the Board of Directors.
Posted a net profit of IDR 821,6 billion.
Provided financing up to DR 40.491,64 billion, loans up to ID 2.033,20 billion, and insurance amounting to ID 261,52 billion.
January 24, 2016. Signed a credit agreement with PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera in the ADB Energy Project Finance.
May 13, 2014 Nominated for the Best Bond Issuer Award in the Non-Public Company category.
 June 5, 2014 Offering of Indonesia Eximbank's Sustainable Public Bonds Phase II, Tranche 1, worth IDR 4 Trillion.
June 16, 2016 Ratified the Marine Cargo Insurance Treaty with PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia, PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia, PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia, and Amlin Singapore Pte. Ltd.
July 18, 2014 Conducted the first phase of the Sustainable Public Offering of Indonesia Eximbank Bonds II, valued at ID 500 billion.
July 24, 2014 Signed financing agreements with companies under CBI Group, including: PT Citra Borneo Indah, PT Tanjung Sawit Abadi, PT Surya Borneo Industri, and PT Citra Borneo Utama, with a total financing limit of USD 120,818,400.00.
September 1, 2014 Mr. Ngalim Sawega was appointed at the Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Indonesia Eximbank.
September 1, 2014 Mr. Arif Setiawan was appointed as the Managing Director of Indonesia Eximbank.
October 16, 2014 Conducted the second phase of the Sustainable Public Offering of Indonesia Eximbank Bonds II, valued at DR 2,71 trillion.
December 18, 2014 Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT Bakti Usaha Menanam Nusantara Hijau Lestaril (PT BUMN Hijau Lestaril) and PT Nagabhuana concerning the Integrated Agroforestry-based Green Program.
December 23, 2014 Signed a credit investment agreement of ID 850 billion with PT Waskita Karya Tbk.





The Indonesian government assigned Indonesia Eximbank with two special assignments (National Interest Accounts):

  1. Railroad Cars Export Program to Bangladesh
  2. Export Program to support the Indonesian government's Economic Policy Package year 2015.
The Coaching Program for New Exporters (CPNE) was launched.
The Indonesian government provided Indonesia Eximbank with 1 trillion in State Capital Investment to strengthen capital and increase the institution's business capacity in supporting national export programs.
The Export-Oriented Loan for Small-Scale Enterprises (KURBE Program was launched to facilitate the Indonesian government's economic policy package number IX.
Established marketing offices in Batam and Denpasar to explore and accommodate export-oriented SMEs in Sumatra and Bali, respectively.
Received a State Capital Investment of ID 4 trillion from the Indonesian government, comprising of ID 2 trillion to expand on the institution's business capacity.
IDR 2 trillion to be allocated for special assignments (NIAs).

The government provided the State Capital Investment (PM ) of Rp3.20 trillion, comprising of Rp1.00 trillion for operational capacity improvement and Rp2.20 trillion for the National Interest Account program implementation.

Indonesia Eximbank received the National Interest Account from the government under the Finance Minister's Decree with the following details:

  1. Decree of Finance Minister No. 374/KMK.08/2017 on the interest account to the Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia to provide export financing fo the passengers train carriages.
  2. Decree of Finance Minister No. 649/KM.08/2017 on the interest account to the Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia to provide export financing of aircrafts.
  3.  Decree of Finance Minister No. 787/KMK.08/2017 on the interest account to the Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia to foster export to the African countries.

Indonesia Eximbank conducts Institutional Reform in order to realize the vision of Indonesia Eximbank (IE B) 2020, namely Top of Mind, Sovereign Entity, Regional Leader, An Institution of Proud, and True Policy Bank. The Institutional Reform Program is a breakthrough to realize the ideals of establishing an institution as part of a plan for sustainable national export development

In guarding the Institutional Reform process, the direction of change refers to 4 fundamental aspects, namely:

  1. Busines;
  2. Stronger risk management fundamentals; 
  3. Reliability of digital systems and communication information technology services in supporting the operations of the Institute; 
  4. Competency of human resources and internalization of the corporate culture.
12 February, 2019
Inauguration of indonesia Eximbank head office in Prosperity tower, district 8
6 December, 2019
Inauguration of desa devisa Koperasi Kerta Semaya Samaniya (KSS)
20 December, 2019
Inauguration of desa devisa Koperasi Asosiasi Pengembangan Industri Kerajinan Rakyat Indonesia (APIKRI)
Advisory in terms of community development called “Desa Devisa” with the objectives to enhance export. As of the end of 2020, Indonesia Eximbank has developed 2 Desa Devisa namely in jembrana, Bali and Bantul, Yogyakarta.
Indonesia Eximbank promotes the creation of 21 new exporters.
On the impact of the COVID-19, Indonesia Eximbank has carried out restructuring of a total of 125 borrowers impacted by the COVID-19.
Cooperate with 14 banks for the Jaminah program (government assurance) amounted to Rp567 billion
Specific disbursement of NIA amounted to Rp1,5 trillion among others on the sector:
  • Specific Economic Areas Development.

  • Export-oriented SMEs.

  • Aviation Industry.

  • NIA Trade Finance
Received State Equity Participation (SEP) amounted to Rp10 trillion for general assignment, National Interest Account and National Economy Recovery.

Advisory in terms of community development called “Desa Devisa” with the objectives to enhance export. As of the end of 2021, Indonesia Eximbank has developed 5 Desa Devisa Programs, consisting of:

  • Desa Devisa Kopi Subang.
  • Desa Devisa Ijen.
  • Desa Devisa Tenun Wedani.
  • Desa Devisa Rumput Laut Kupang.
  • Desa Devisa Garam Kusamba.
Indonesia Eximbank promotes the creation of 20 new exporters.
Indonesia Eximbank continues to encourage SME participants through the implementation of a consulting service program in the form of CPNE Training in 8 cities (Solo, Denpasar, Medan, Kendal, Demak, Bandung, Manado dan Semarang) to more than 322 SME participants.
Total beneficiaries until 2021 were 27 villages and 2,953 farmers & artists covering 7 flagship products.
Distribution of Partnership Program funds through collaboration with the Desa Devisa and Linkage Program for 28 partners.
Indonesia Eximbank has carried out restructuring for borrowers impacted by the COVID-19.
Cooperate with 18 banks for the JAMINAH program (government assurance) with total volume amounted to Rp5,8 trillion and total outstanding amounted of Rp4,8 trillion.

Specific disbursement of NIA amounted to Rp2,56 trillion among others on the sector:

  • NIA Regions
  • NIA Tourism
  • NIA Trade Finance
  • NIA SME’s
Received State Equity Participation (SEP) amounted to Rp5 trillion for general assignment and National Interest Account.


Indonesia Eximbank launched "Rumah Ekspor" Program.
Indonesia Eximbank established first subsidiary PT Indonesia Eximbank Prima Aset.
Indonesia Eximbank launched X-Way of Working (XWOW) program.
Indonesia Eximbank launched new corporate culturé APIK (Agile, Professionalism, Integrity, Creative).